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Joining Alfama Testnet

This tutorial provides the necessary instructions to join the alfama testnet.

  • Current wardend version: v0.1.0
  • Chain ID: alfama

Version History

ReleaseUpgrade Block HeightUpgrade Date

How to join Alfama testnet

The rest of this document provides a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up a test node.

Hardware recommendations

  • We recommend running public testnet nodes on machines with at least 8 cores, 32GB of RAM and 300GB of disk space.

Build Tools

Install Go following the instructions at

Installation & Configuration

You will need to install and configure the warden binary using the script below.

Build the wardend binary and initalize the chain home folder:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.1.0
cd wardenprotocol/warden/cmd/wardend
go build

sudo mv wardend /usr/local/bin/
wardend init <custom_moniker>

Prepare the genesis file:

cd $HOME/.warden/config
rm genesis.json

# Set minimum gas price & peers
sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = ""/minimum-gas-prices = "0.0025uward"/' app.toml
sed -i 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = ",,"/' config.toml

This step is optional.

To speed up the initial sync, you can use the state sync feature. This will allow you to download the state at a specific height from a trusted node and then only download the blocks after that from the network.

You will need:

  • a list of trusted RPC endpoints
  • a trusted block height and its corresponding block hash

A list of RPC endpoints can be found in the Warden networks repository. For the rest of the instructions we'll use

From this RPC endpoint, you can get the trusted block height and hash using the following command:

export SNAP_RPC_SERVERS=",,"
export LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s "" | jq -r .result.block.header.height)
export TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$BLOCK_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash)

Check that all variables have been set correctly:


# output should be similar to:
# 70694 68694 6AF4938885598EA10C0BD493D267EF363B067101B6F81D1210B27EBE0B32FA2A

Now you can add the state sync configuration to your config.toml:

sed -i.bak -E "s|^(enable[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1true| ; \
s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$SNAP_RPC_SERVERS\"| ; \
s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT| ; \
s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"|" $HOME/.warden/config/config.toml

Start the node

You can now start the node using the following command:

wardend start

It will connect to persistent peers provided and start downloading blocks. You can check the logs to see the progress.

Create a validator

If you want to create a validator in the testnet, follow the instructions in the Creating a validator section.